Monday, August 27, 2007

Update on MiaPics taken at Bass River State Forest on August 25th, 2007

Well Jenn (ChiChi) is still pregnant...her due date was the 23rd, but I guess Mia is comfortable right where she is. So we'll just have to wait. She better come before Thursday night though b/c we are supposed to go away for the weekend to see some dear friends of come on MIA!!!!

The following video is of Ayden finally accepting that Mia is coming. For about the last three months or so, Ayden has not wanted anything to do with ChiChi. He was fine with Levi getting here, but since ChiChi was his favorite and couldn't play with him like she used to he wasn't real keen on the whole Mia topic. The funny thing is that he'll say that Mia is in her tummy, but any time you say "cousin Mia," he will just reply, "No cousins." It's so weird.
The video is too big for me to publish here. It is on our Ringo account though. If you don't have a Ringo account, go to and create an account. Then put our email address in there as a friend. We will have to verify that we know you and then you can see all of our pictures and videos.

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