In the midst of all of the excitement of cousin Mia getting here, Ayden has his own excitement he wants to share with everyone. He graduated to a big boy bed last night (sniffle, sniffle). He is no longer in his crib - it is official...he's a little boy! He was so excited last night to go to bed that when we were getting ready for night-nights he was upset at us for not moving fast enough! We only had to tell him one time to get back in bed and I think the only reason that he got out was because his Mickey Mouse dropped on the floor. This afternoon he tested us a little more, but we only had to ask twice. He amazes us all the time! Thanks for letting us share with you a peek into our lives! These are some exciting times and we realize more and more all the time how much God is truly blessing us!
1 comment:
Ayden, You remind of Wesley moving into a big boy bed. I remember his move more than any other the other boys. I guess because he was so determined.
Good job! Love, The Olley Crew
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