Thursday, September 13, 2007

Our trip to NH...
Natalia and Ayden played so well was awesome!
Sharing snacks
Isn't she beautiful?

Playing with a puzzle

Shawn was able to get some time off over the weekend of Labor Day to go up to NH to visit. We hadn't been back since we moved to NJ, so it was a much needed get away. We stayed with our dear friends, Brandon, Veronica, and Natalia Hombs. (Thanks guys for everything!) We left on Thursday night after dinner and drove up. We got in at about 2am. On Friday we visited and Saturday night we went to a Nashua Pride game. We had such a good time and it was so nice to reconnect with Brandon and Veronica. Ayden and Natalia picked up where they left off and just loved to play with each other. They couldn't keep their hands off each other! We'll have to keep an eye on them in the future! Sunday morning we went to church and it was really nice to see's been a year and a half - so hard to believe! Sunday afternoon we got the call from Jenn and Nate to come home b/c Mia was on her way! So 7 hours later we were home and I was in the delivery room with Jenn!
It sure was nice to see NH again though. It was a little early to see the leaves, but they were starting to turn...BONUS!
Hopefully we can visit again soon!


Anonymous said...

I didn't get to see you 'cause we were up at our cabin and then you had to go back for Mia! Aargh! I was so looking forard to seeing all of you! Well, hope you had fun when you were up here,
love all of you-
-caroline :D

Kaitlin said...


my heart just skipped a beat or two looking at all those pictures.

i miss you a LOT!