Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Evil Nemesis and Little Superhero

Good morning, world! I thought I should share.
We bought Ayden this potty a couple of weeks ago. He likes it, but really has very little interest in using it for what it's really for. Except on Saturday (10/6) - just before his bath he sat down on it and actually went. I'm pretty sure it was a total surprised us all! We did the peepee in the potty song and dance. I don't think he understood what the big deal was and why his parents were so exstatic over it all. I thought, "ok - the transition out of diapers is beginning." Boy, was I wrong. Now he wants to sit on it (not taking his clothes off), but when you ask him if he has to go peepee, all he says is, "Nope." I don't want to push the issue, since he has had an awful lot to rock his world over the summer (having to share people and toys with his baby brother and now we've added a cousin to the mix). He's done really well with it all, so we are going to wait for his cues that he's really ready. Maybe my dancing scared him!?!?!?! So, every time I go into the bathroom and I see the potty, I am reminded that we have our work cut out for us!

When we were out a few weeks ago, Ayden saw this Spiderman costume and knew that's what he wanted to be for Halloween. But, he couldn't wait that long, and frankly I'm glad that we're getting more than just one night's dressing up out of it. He is so funny! Check out is muscles!

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

haha, i'm SURE your dancing didnt scare him!!

he just doesnt want you getting used to him going by himself!

He is one stud in that costume! You are the coolest parents for letting him wear it BEFORE halloween. Fantastic!!

Love you!