Monday, November 05, 2007

Fall Back?!?!

I used to be a fan (just like everyone else) of the yearly turning back of the clock - you know to get the extra hour of sleep.
NOT ANYMORE - it is the most ridiculous thing ever b/c it messes with kids' heads. Saturday night wasn't too bad b/c we get up really early for church anyway (it didn't seem too different), but lets just say that since Levi is tired and ready to go to bed at 7 every night (6 last night), this did not work in my favor last night. I tried to keep him up a little longer and I guess that messed him up and he got overtired. It took him 4 (yes count them, 4) hours to go to sleep and then I was up with him something like 8 times. I lost count after 5.
Ayden usually sleeps in until at least 7 and he has been up since 6...I thought they were going to do away with the whole thing. GRRR...HISS!

OK - ranting over. I have to go get ready for work. Hope you have a nice day and hopefully I'll get a nap somewhere along the way!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

There is hope. I too think the whole thing is a sham. Once your children hit 5 or 6 they catch up faster. Hang in there.