We hope that you celebrated Jesus along with us yesterday for all that He has done for us. I just love Easter because I think it is so cool that, even today, we base our calendars off of something that Jesus did for us more than 2,000 years ago. And people say that they are not effected by Him. Little do they know - and it gives me such a renewed sense of responsibility of what we are here for in the first place. We get so tied up in the everyday issues - fixing up a house, paying bills, sick kids, work - that we don't take the time to find someone who might not know who Jesus is. And what kind of life is that, really? He's what gives me my purpose...sometimes I just forget (if I'm being honest). Thank God there's grace!
Shawn and I were watching a special last night on where the Garden tomb, Golgatha, Pilate's house, etc. are located supposedly and it has really got me wanting to travel again. I've got the bug! It's been 7 years since I spent the semester in Greece and was able to do all the traveling in Turkey, Egypt, Greece and then all over Europe after the semester was over...what an experience! What I really want is to be able to take Shawn somewhere - he has never had the chance to travel out of the country. So travel donations can be sent to...I'm just kidding. We are actually hoping to save up and take the boys somewhere really cool, like to the Holy Lands, at some point before they move out on their own.
We are so blessed! Yesterday we went to church and had a really wonderful time of worship. Afterwards, we tried to go to Boston Market, but I guess they didn't want us there. Even though the sign said that they were open and there were people standing in line, the door was locked and no one would come to the door - so we left. We ended up going to Wendy's b/c nothing else was serving lunch. Then we came home and put Ayden down for a nap so the Easter bunny could come and hide his eggs. He never went to sleep, but at least he rested. We put his and Levi's baskets together and hid the eggs and then got Ayden up. He had a good time finding the eggs and was very excited about the basket. It is so much fun as he is getting older that he really gets into these types of things. It's really cool to watch.
After that we went to take some Easter flowers to Aunt Barbara. Poor thing wasn't feeling well at all, but at least it was good to see her. From there we went to Papa and Mama's house for dinner. We had a really nice time and that's what these pictures are:

On Friday morning, before Daddy had to go to work, of course we had to dye Easter eggs. All of us had fun - Momma took pics, Daddy and Bubba did most of the eggs, and Levi watched from his highchair. 

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