Well, from the title you may be able to guess it...we are expecting our third child! This one, even less planned than the last, is due sometime between October and November. You see, we could not have even planned this one if we had wanted to. Without having to embarrass any male readers, we'll just say that I'm still nursing Levi and there was no way to tell that I was even capable of getting pregnant yet. So there is no way, until I have an ultrasound, for us to know an estimated due date. With Levi, we were at least talking about soon trying...this could not have come as more of a surprise.
I ran to Rite Aid to pick up a prescription for Ayden. I just happened to walk down the isle with the pregnancy tests in it and I picked one up (only because they were on sale). I thought to myself that I would just take it just to put my mind at ease (not that I had any thoughts that I might be pregnant). So I went home took it (without even tell Shawn what I was doing b/c I didn't want to freak him out or anything) and at first there was only one line (meaning - not prego). I put it down and finished what I was doing and then looked at it again and magically two lines were there. I was shocked. I took it out, put it on the table in front of Shawn and asked, "WHAT IS THIS?" He said, "You're pregnant?" We looked at each other and laughed - I felt like Abraham's wife, Sarah, when she was told that she was pregnant. I went and took the other one that was in the box and sure enough, same result.
I really didn't think that Shawn would take it as well as he did. But this was his response. "I guess God feels as though we are doing a good enough job with the ones that we have that He really wanted us to have THIS one." I was so much more at ease about everything after he said that. I have such a wonderful husband! Once the nervous-hysterical laughing ceased, we have been really happy and excited about it. So by the time that this one is born, we will have three children three-years-old and younger. PLEASE PRAY FOR US! We just feel so blessed that now we are in our house, Shawn did get his promotion, and we are in a spot that we acutally can do this. God is so good!
Anyway, it has taken me all afternoon to sit and write this (between interruptions), so I had better post it before the next one. Love you all...have a blessed Sunday!
Christmas in Richmond
2 months ago
Wow, congratulations to you guys! Praying for a healthy nine months and for Shawn's job situation.
My brother and sister in law have three kids three and under, all boys!! They love each other so much and it's so sweet! Love you guys!
No doubt you'll do three three and under better than I did! You're a great mom. We are so happy for you.
Shawn's job is in our prayers.
Thanks for the yummy meal! We really enjoyed it. It was blessing. You guys are a blessing!
Love, A-Z
YEAH!! And WOW!! I think I would react the same way you did. A little shocked and then excited. I thought I was already, but I am not.
We will keep your family in our prayers with the new one coming and with Shawn's job.
Love you guys,
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