I guess I have been in quite a slump lately - with the summer (hot weather just makes me cranky to begin with besides being huge pregnant), the thought of three in diapers (potty training is the thorn in my side), Shawn's job not feeling as steady as we wish it did (besides wishing that God would answer the "please show us what in the world he is supposed to be doing" prayer that we have been praying for over two years, the price of life right now (gas, groceries, etc.,) that is making me feel like a hermit - who can afford to go anywhere or do anything? And then there's spiritually...all I can say is I'm trying. We go to church so far away that the price of gas has even effected being able to go to Bible class on Wednesday nights. I guess not being able to be with church family on a regular basis starts to really wear on you.
So sorry to be such a downer today...I do have good news. If we make it through to Sunday night, Shawn has off for a week! It will be so nice to have him around for more than just a Tuesday at a time!
Pray for us as well as everyone else who is struggling to get through it all right now - I know we're not alone, in any way!
Christmas in Richmond
2 months ago
Awww,praying for you sweet sister. I think everyone is feeling the pinch of the rising cost of everything, it's hard not to be able to just jump in the car and go wherever like we could when it was reasonable. Being pregnant in hot, muggy, weather is never pleasant either. Praying God will answer your prayers regarding Shawn's job and where He wants you. Love you!
Hey Kristy!! I'm totally there with you!! I'll be praying for you and the job with Shawn!! It stinks with the rising cost of things, I feel like the devil is trying to get us where it hurts!! I'll be praying that God also takes the overwhelming feeling away and grants you peace , but I can so feel your pain!!
We've talked and you know we are in the same place as the two of you. I started to write a similar post earlier this week, but it didn't come out the right way. Your post expresses my sentiments so very well. Praying for us all, love, Tia
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