Monday, August 20, 2007

Last Thursday Gramma (Shawn's Mom) flew into town and we have been enjoying the visit with her. A lot has changed since our last visit with his side of our family(at the end of June). At Levi's last well visit - his 2 month check up - he weighed 13 pounds, 7 ounces. We grow 'em big around here!!!! They said he is the size of a 4 month old. It seemed like at 6 weeks Levi completely changed. He went from doing nothing but crying all day and not sleeping well to still not napping well during the day, but sleeping really well at night (most times for 5-6 hours before needing to eat) and smiling and cooing and just being a real sweetie! Now don't get me wrong...he still has his moments/days where the crying doesn't ever seem to stop! But, he really is so much fun now and he wants nothing more than to just watch Ayden all day long!

Ayden is verbalizing more and more and daily he amazes us with his vocabulary. He is a VeggieTales freak and sings from the minute he wakes up until the minute he goes to one has to sing him lullabies - he sings them to himself!!!! Usually it's God Is Bigger Than the Boogie Man from a VeggieTales movie of course! His memory is unbelievable. He will see or hear something once and can describe or repeat it flawlessly. I wish I had his memory these days. Mine is complete mush!
I promise I'm not bragging...I am just amazed how God blesses us! They are such a joy to us!

Please pray for Jenn and Nate...Mia could bless us with her presence any second - Jenn looks like she is ready to pop! I will definitely keep you posted! I can't wait to be an aunt!

Since today is a rainy day, I don't think we'll be doing much of anything. So I'm gonna try and figure out how to post video. I have some cute stuff I want you to see. Anyway, have a great day...check back really soon for the video clips and some new pics!

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