Thursday, August 09, 2007

Some Pictures...

The first time Ayden asked to hold Levi - He wasn't too sure about it at first. Bubba asks to "take him" all the time now.
more "taking Wevi"
Not in the mood!
Awww...sweet brother!
Levi sitting on his cousin Mia...ChiChi is due on the 23rd! We can't wait!
Ayden playing at his Great, Great Aunt Ce and Uncle Bob's house - Uncle Bob built this cool house for his grandchildren a long time ago. Ayden just loved it!

From August 7th

From August 8th

1 comment:

Carver-Family said...

Kristy, They are both growing up soo much!! I wanted to let you know that Grayson just called me asking if I had a phone number for you and Shawn. I don't have one since you've moved, but he wanted to talk to Shawn. Do you have their number where you can call them? Email me and let me know you got this message! Let me know how things are going too! We miss seeing you guys!!
