Monday, July 30, 2007

Almost the end of July...can you believe it?

Time is just flying by! Levi, as of yesterday, is 6 weeks old. Hard to believe! The past three weeks or so have been so busy - not to mention that we have been dealing with some serious colic. Levi has been crying/miserable just about non-stop from about 4pm - 8pm every night. The crying doesn't bother Shawn or I (or even Ayden), but of course we feel bad for him and his little tummy and well as anyone else who might be around. This is new to us as Ayden wasn't collicky (I'm pretty sure that I made up this spelling, but frankly don't have the desire or energy to go look it up) at all! We have tried everything, but nothing besides just holding him seems to calm him down at all. Poor guy!

I took some pictures this morning - I feel terrible that I don't have that many of Levi. I have been so busy trying to get announcements/thank you cards made and sent as well as trying to keep up with both of the boys. So here are a few of both of them. Ayden and Levi are already the best of friends as you can see from some of the pics...I'm pretty sure that Levi is already ready to skip the baby months and just get down and play with his big brother. He smiles for Ayden more than anyone and usually it's while Ayden is being too rough with him...he seems to love it!

My most favoritist picture to date!

I was trying to get Levi to look at me, but he is so enthralled with his big "brudder".

We can't believe how much he looks loke Bubba as a tiny tiny. Here are some pictures to prove it!

Levi @ 6 weeks.

Ayden on the 4th of July, 2005 - he was 4 months old. They both have such chubby cheeks...I just love it!

These two pictures are from when ChiChi and I took the boys out to Camp Manatawny for a very short visit. I just had to get out there to be at camp this summer, even if it was only for an hour! It was worth the two hour one-way drive! On the way there Bubba was reading some books and he fell asleep hugging them. Every time ChiChi tried to take them from him so that he would be more comfortable to nap he would wake up, tell her not to take them, and want to hug them again before he fell back to sleep.

Well I just looked at my calendar for the may be a while before I post again. I am getting ready for Jenn's baby shower that's on Saturday as well as trying to sort through hospital bills (fun, fun). Have a great week if I'm not back sooner than I think! Lots of love from all of us!

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