Friday, October 26, 2007

Another Friday Night

Well, it's another Friday night and Shawn is working, the boys are in bed, and I'm watching an old Cold Case episode from about a month ago that I'm just now getting around to - I'm alone and it stinks. Now that I've said that, I've been really trying lately to be positive about everything going in life. So here's what this has taught me - so many times in my life I have been trying to "just make it through to Friday." Pay day is Friday, the weekend starts on Friday...I think you know what I mean. Well, Shawn isn't around on Friday nights when most people are celebrating the weekend coming around. His crazy schedule has taught and is continuing to teach me that every day is special. There is something very wonderful about each and every day - sometimes it is harder to see than other days, but I don't have to wait until Friday.
There have been a lot of wonderful's today - and here's another...I hear Shawn's truck pulling into the driveway.
Have a great night!


The Striving Homeschool Mom said...

Hey Kristy! I know how those nights are, Jayson is gone alot too! Between work and school, I have many nights like yours! It was great seeing you and talking with you a little on wensday! WE should try to get together!! Especially since your little boy and my little boy are only 2 weeks apart!!!

Andrea said...

Kris, I too adopted the view of finding joy in the 'everydayness' of life. Even more so when other families are together eating dinner every night and Chuck isn't home and on Fridays and Saturdays when families are doing family things and we aren't. It's really tough to be positive. I think the view God gave you and I is a coping mechanism in making it all right. I learned how to cope and search for the good. It's still a struggle. Satan may try this on you over and over again. Don't be fooled. Pray and be encouraged. I'm encouraged by you. Love you, A