Thursday, November 01, 2007

Jack 'O Punkin

Good Morning! Thought I would update on our Halloween activities...we went to a farm stand on Sunday and Ayden picked out his big pumpkin and then he was even more excited to pick out a little pumpkin for Levi.
On Monday night Ayden and Shawn (actually just Shawn) carved our Jack 'O Lantern, but Ayden calls it a Jack 'O Punkin.

The finished product...he just loved to see it lit up.


While I was gathering costumes for the boys, I sat Levi up on the couch so he could still see me. Well he was a little sleepier than I had thought and he just conked out. Isn't he cute?

Then on Halloween - since it was Wednesday night and we had Bible class, our congregation did trunk-or-treating in the parking lot. Ayden was, of course, Spiderman and we did buy a Mickey Mouse costume for Levi, but he slept through the whole thing. I did wake him up long enough to put it on. So there are no pictures of him on actual Halloween.

But, Shawn's birthday is on Saturday and Jenn and Nate will be here with Mia, so we are going to dress up the kids again and take some pictures. So I'll post them this weekend.

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