Friday, November 02, 2007

What a blessing!

This is something that I definitely need to share! When I went into the hospital to have Levi, our experience was definitely straight out of a nightmare/comic book. (Now is when I am able to look back and think parts of it were absurdly comical.) Because of some of the things that we were told/not told, we have been disputing about $2,000 worth of charges that our insurance company won't pay for. Well I have spent the last 4 1/2 months playing phone tag, explaining and re-explaining what happenend, being lied to, and being told basically that we were outta luck. It seemed as though the hospital was just not going to take responsibility for anything. I just wanted them to know what had happened so that it wouldn't happen to anyone else. Well I got a call this morning from the clinical manager who was really trying to make this right and she told me that the hospital was writing our bill off and we didn't have to worry about any of it anymore. This is huge because about 2 days ago they were telling us that the only way the charges would go away is if we filed with Charity Care, and I really didn't want to do that b/c that was the hospital's way of getting us off their back without having to deal with any of the problems. Not only did they take our bill away, but she said that in their managers meeting yesterday, she told our story and said that they are going to do everything they can to not let anything like this happen to anyone else! WOOHOO! It feels really good to know #1 that God is really taking care of us in every way and #2 that disputing these things has been a worthy cause and not a waste of my time.
What a wonderful way to start the weekend! Tomorrow is Shawn's birthday and poor guy has to work. Send him some birthday wishes and I will definitely be sure that he gets them!

Have a great night!

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