Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Happy 4 Months, Levi!!

Can you believe it? (Not so) Little Levi is four months old. So many things about it don't seem old he is, how well Ayden has handled his life changing so much, how much Levi already admires and want to be just like his big brother, and how God has and continues to bless us through our boys (as well as in so many other ways)! Here are some pictures of Levi this month (and a couple of Bubba too).

Have a great night. Hope you enjoyed! I'll be back again tomorrow! Ciao!


Nate, Jenn, Mia, and Zeke said...

I love you guys! Boys don't come cuter than you! Kisses from Chi-Chi!

Nate, Jenn, Mia, and Zeke said...

I love you guys! Boys don't come cuter than you! Kisses from Chi-Chi!

Kaitlin said...

look at those eyes!! wonderful.