Friday, October 19, 2007

Running on empty...

Actually, less than empty if there is such a thing. For three nights in a row now Levi has gotten me up 4 times. This is also the child that does not nap during the day. So as the bags under my eyes continue to grow, please pray that my fuse does not get shorter and shorter with the boys. Levi has his 4 month well visit this morning and I think they are going to start him on cereal more than just once a day. We've gotta do something to get Squeaker through the night!

On a happier note, I knew my Red Sox were going to rally last night! that's what I'm talking about!!!! Watch out Cleveland - SORRY CARSON FAMILY!!!

Last night/afternoon, Don Martin (an honorary member of the Wills family) and his wife Bev came to see us. Don was transferred to NJ for work it seems like at least 15 years ago and then was transferred back to Indiana I think in 2004. We don't get to see him but a couple times a year now. We all had dinner last night and were able to catch up. A good time!

At dinner, I was getting a couple things together before I fed Levi his cereal. The bowl was sitting there with the spoon in it and Shawn was sitting next to Ayden holding Levi. All of a sudden we all realized what was going on. Ayden grabbed the spoon and started to feed Levi since he was "reawy hungwy!" It was so cute and he did a really good job up until he shoved the spoon a little too far back in Levi's mouth. He is such a good big brother!!!!

I had to finish the job.

Just a couple more pictures from last night...

Papa and Mia

Oh Mia, stop crankin'!

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