Well, Monday was a BIG day. Miriam (my niece) turned 1 month old and she pooped all by herself! We were all starting to wonder if there was something seriously wrong with her. The problem was that she needed to learn how to do it. Doesn't that sound funny? But her pediatrician told Jenn and Nate that not all babies are born knowing how to go #2. So we've all been praying that it would happen...and it did!!! YEAH! Jenn, did you ever think that you would be praying for poop?!?!?! The things we end up doing for our kids!
I am very appropriately nicknamed "Kissy"

Levi and Mia are only 11 weeks apart, but isn't it crazy how much bigger Levi is?
Also, Levi had his first taste of cereal just before bed. We are just doing it to help get him through the night. He has been waking up after sleeping for like 6 hours to eat, but he is still so tired that as soon as he gets a little in his tummy, he falls right back asleep again. Then he wakes up like an hour later and keeps doing that until it's time to get up. So you can imagine how cranky we both are during the day after not sleeping the night before, or the night before that...I think you get the idea. So, we're giving it a try anyway. It really has seemed to work, especially last night. He almost made it all the way through the night. And he is such a happy boy when we gets some rest...and I am a much happier Momma!

First bite!
Niether of these pictures show him actually liking it, but he really does! There will be more to come!

Levi all dressed for church - Aaron and Jen Pearl (friends from church) gave us this outfit. They have 4 girls - Morgan, Sarah, Ashley, and Lauren - and she bought this outfit when she was pregnant with one of them and didn't know what she was having. Levi is sort of the boy she never had! Thanks, Jen!
All ready for bed! They really are best buds!
Ayden is getting so independent, until he gets frustrated after trying something once! Then he'll say, "My need your help." He uses posessive pronouns for everything...it is so cute. Part of me doesn't want for him to learn how to talk correctly! Some of the other cute things he says now (and their equivalents) are:
Where are you? "Where are you are?"
I want that. "Want dat?"
I did it! "My did it!"
I'm being patient. "My be patient." (Can you tell what we've been working on?)
I love you so much. "I wuv you too much."

What a killer smile! It melts my heart EVERY time and I'm sure keeps him out of trouble!
Hey Kristy,
A few weeks ago I remembered you had this website and I am so glad you keep up with it! I just want you guys to know that I miss you all and love you so much. Ayden is GINORMOUS! and maybe someday I'll see Levi in person :)
My email is jkelley2@harding.edu
I'd love to get back in touch. Have a blessed day :)
<3 Jami
i loooove the new layout.
i loooooove your boys.
and i looooooooove you!
Ayden looks too old in that last picture. He looks like a boy, a boy who won't pee on a potty. I always say "I won't send him to college doing this or that..." I knew they'd give up nursing and evetually would go potty. Ayden will too. One of the pictures of Levi reminds me of Ayden. What sweethearts.
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