Well, we signed the papers Thursday night. They have until Tuesday to renig. I don't think they will though. Settlement is December 21st. We will officially be homeowners by Christmas! You can't even begin to imagine how excited we are. Well maybe you can! :) Let's just say we've waited a long time for this!
I know I skipped over this the other day - well, actually I ran out of time. Our Thanksgiving was very different this year. We actually celebrated with the big dinner on Monday the 19th. Shawn had off and Nate, Jenn, and Mia were in town. Mama and Papa came over for dinner as well. Ayden even helped me cook - it was precious!

For the actual day of Thanksgiving, Shawn had to work from 7am-4:30pm and Nate, Jenn, and Mia were in Ohio. We still had a dinner but did ham instead of turkey - one can only eat so much turkey. Here are some pictures of everyone.

We never did get pictures of the cousins in their Halloween costumes. We were never able to find a time when all of them were awake. But, Bubba likes to still get dressed up, not only in his spiderman costume, but also in Levi's Mickey Mouse costume - go figure. (Also we must mention that we have reached an all new level of cheese with the picture smiles!) Maybe we'll dress them up before the new year.

Now to the kiddos...

I haven't really posted a whole lot about them in a while. Ayden is proving to be a very thoughtful, affectionate boy when he wants to be. He is forever telling me, "I love you, Momma," or, "I meed (need) a snuggle." I taught him the song You Are My Sunshine the other day and now he sings it to me throughout the day. Of course he has his moments (actually more like hours) of total two-ness, but for the most part listens very well, has very good manners, and is an absolute cutie-pie. We have digressed quite a bit with the potty. We were doing really well before we went to Ohio, but Momma forgot to bring it. So we went almost a week without going. Then when we got back he really didn't seem interested anymore. We are trying some incentive with M&M's (neminems as he calls them), but that's not even motivating him which is weird b/c he goes around and rubs his tummy and says, "I wuv chocolate!" I think after the holidays and we get into the house we are going to have a potty bootcamp. It just seems like to be consistent with it, we would have to lock ourselves in the house for days on end. Andrea, do you have any tips on how you potty trained Zachary? I would imagine it gets easier with each one, since they want to be like their big brothers????
Levi....well he still isn't sleeping through the night. In fact, I have never ever heard a blood curdling, floor shaking scream quite like his. He is strengthening his lungs for sure!!! The child just doesn't like to sleep. I have no trouble getting him to go to sleep...it's just staying asleep. He has only taken a couple naps in his short life that have been more than a half an hour long. But when he is awake and not fighting sleep he is our little light bulb (as ChiChi calls him). He sure does light up a room with his smile and those huge eyes. Yesterday he turned over from front to back for the first time. He has been strong enough for a long time, but has not really liked tummy time. I think yesterday was the first time that he thought it was worth the effort. The other day during one of his oh so frequent fuss because I don't want to fall asleep times I tried the binky again thinking it was a long shot. Well, Missy Tidbit (Mia) must have had a little talk with him b/c he took it as if he does it all the time. He looks so funny to me in the pictures b/c I never see him with one in his mouth.

Well of course when I tried it again the next day and ever since, he won't take it. I'm not surprised! He is definitely much more high maintenance than Ayden, but still such a joy. He is jibberjabbing more and more with more sounds (other than screaming) and is playing with small toys now. He loves being in his exersaucer and can be content in there for hours at a time. And what a cuddlebug! He gives great snuggles as you can see from this picture.

Now to Miss Mia...

Isn't she beautiful!?!?! Talk about a jabberjaws. When she isn't crankin' cause she's hungry (pretty much the only times that I hear her cry), she is just a talkin' away. She is really experimenting with her voice and make all kinds of noises. She could also hold her own in a burping contest! You wonder how something so loud could come out of someone so bitty! Her personality is really starting to come out and it is so much fun for me to watch. I don't get to hold her as much as I would like due to 2 boys not really wanting to share their momma, but I love to cuddle her every chance I get (like when they are in bed!!!). Levi just loves to play with her. He holds her hand and they talk back and forth. Ayden is hot and cold with her. Sometimes he is all about his couz and other times doesn't give her the time of day. But I know he loves her b/c when she's not around he talks about Baby Mia quite a bit. I think they are all going to grow up to be good friends!
Well now that I have officially taken up several minutes of your day, I think I am going to go. I have a ton of Christmas cards to make and Levi is asleep. So, I need to take advantage of every minute I have! Have a wonderful day! God bless you...I know how blessed I am feeling right now.
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