Over Veterans Day weekend we were in Ohio. My parents, the boys, and I drove out to Chardon to see the Carson clan. We (Ayden, Levi, and I) stayed with them on Thursday night and had a really nice visit. We definitely don't see enough of each other. Then on Friday afternoon we left Dad and Mom there and drove to Columbus to see Shawn's family. Gramma D (Shawn's mom's mom) got to see Levi for the first time.

Then Shawn flew in on Saturday night (it was the longest amount of time that he and I have been apart since we've been married - 3 days - it was a lot harder than I had expected). On Sunday, Shawn's grandparents (Grandpa and Grandma Bates) and Aunt Kathy and Uncle Brent met us at church and then came back to Dad and Mom's house for lunch. They had also not met Levi yet. It was a very nice visit with them as well. We don't get to do that very often - last Christmas was the last time we were out there.

Monday morning we drove back home.
The rest of the month we have been contemplating what God is intending for our lives. For the past almost 2 years we have felt like the Israelites wandering in the wilderness. We have had some really high and really low points and have really been trying to let God lead us and listen for His voice in everything. We even talked about trying to go back to Arkansas since it is so much cheaper to live down there. Shawn has been looking for jobs down there for months and months and God is making it soooooo clear that that is not what He has in mind for us. After we realized that, we started re-looking for homes in the area. We knew we needed to be closer to where we go to church (currently an hour drive one-way), but not so far that Shawn would have to commute long-distance for work. Well, after minimal looking, we found the house we have been looking for. It is 20 minutes closer to church and will only be a 15 minute commute for Shawn. It is going to be a lot of work, but it has so much potential and character. This is the listing picture.

We got it for the amount that we said we were willing to pay and got them to remove the coal stove in the basement that had asbestos on it. One less thing very expensive thing that we will have to do. Our realtor is on vacation right now for Thanksgiving, but should be home soon. Now we just have to draw up all the paperwork - and they said that we can close on it before Christmas...THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT SHAWN AND I COULD GIVE EACH OTHER THIS YEAR! We feel so blessed right now - we always know that we are blessed, but we feel like we are seeing the end to our "40 years in the desert."
Thank you all for your love and prayers. We couldn't have gotten through this time without you...please keep 'em coming!
Well, Levi is crying...better go see what's up. I will write more later about the boys. They are so much fun!
Love you all and hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving with friends and family!
There you go temping us with moving back to AR and then you shoot us down again. :(
It's inspiring to read about your faith even as you go thru trials as Job did. God is good and will provide for his children.
If you ever want to come visit AR, we would all be glad to see you at Sylvan Hills. Plus if you come to visit there are Sonic's within 5 miles of anywhere.
Happy Holidays!
I know it's been very heavy on your hearts trying to make a decision about what to do and where to go. We would have LOVED to have you back here in Arkansas, but I know that you will be much happier up there with your families. We miss you guys soo much! You need to take a vacation and come see us sometime! Like Cynthia said....it doesn't matter which direction you go....there are SONIC's EVERYWHERE now!!! There are seriously 3 sonics within 5 miles of the church. HA!! Dain and I still talk about taking a vacation up the coast sometime and coming to see you guys!! One of these days!!! The house is soo cute! I love older homes. They are soo full of character and charm!! I'm praying that the closing is as stress free as possible! I know you'll have it looking like your own very soon!!! That is one heck of a Christmas present! =)
Love ya!
Hey guys the house is adorable. I can't wait to see the inside. Like one of your other friends said the character of an older home is irresitable. I for one, am thrilled you guys will be in the area. I loved having Levi chatter at us during worship on Sunday. But, I may contemplate moving to Ark. because I too, love Sonic, ecspecially when it's less than a 30 minute drive. I'm sure living 1800 miles from here has other perks too. I just couldn't give up our church family @ Pitman.
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