So I have been meaning to post now for weeks, but things have been kinda crazy since we bought the house. But tonight, when we got back from a full day of working at the house (I will try to post some pictures of the work soon) we got some really cute pictures of the boys. So here we go. We left my camera at the house, so we had to borrow my mom's camera for these. The last two days Ayden has not gotten his afternoon nap and has been such a trooper. He has a Thomas the Train set over at the house and that's about all he talks about when we're not there. He just wants to go and play with Thomas...we're a little obsessed with him right now! But he literally will play with him and watch him go around and around and around for an hour. So both tonight and last night on the way home Ayden fell asleep in the car. When we got him in the house, it actually took some time to wake him up to get him ready for bed.

And to make matters worse tonight he really needed a bath. Needless to say, he didn't want to get in the bath or share the bathtub with his brother who took his first bath with his brother in the big tub.
Levi was also in a fabulous mood when we got home! Can you tell?
By the time we got them in the tub, Levi was lovin' being in there with Ayden and Ayden kept saying, "TAKE LEVI OUT MOMMA!" "LEVI GO OUT OF HERE!" He really does love his brother and is usually really good about playing with him and wanting him around, he was just beyond himself tired! So here are the pictures of those fine moments!

Once he was in the bath and Levi got out, he was fine and actually enjoyed the rest of bathtime.
Just in case you were wondering...the spot on Levi's face is Eczema. Or at lease that's what they think...Momma isn't totally conviced yet though since Psoriasis is something that I have...I'm calling the doctor tomorrow to see if I can take him in so they can have a look. I don't like that it is spreading all over.
Now they are in bed...and I am starting to get really tired myself. When I have my camera back, I will definitely post some pictures of Christmas and the house. 'Til then, ciao!!!
Hey girl! I can't wait to see before & after pictures of the house! I'm so glad things are working out!! The boys are growing up soo fast! I hope we get to see you all soon....(I can wish right?!) HA!
look at those stud-muffins!! (teary-eyed, but studs nonetheless), i cant beLIEVE how big Ayden is!!!
I, too, can't wait to see pictures of the house!
I miss you! give my love to the boys!
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