Once again, it's been a while since the last post. Besides all the time that we have been spending at the house, all my boys have been sick since Christmas. Shawn started out with some sort of cold funk. I think that was over New Years. (By the way, I hope that next year when we are settled comfortably in the house that we can actually celebrate the New Year. We were in bed and asleep by 9:30...we know, we're party animals.) Then, also right around the 1st, I had to take Levi by the pediatrician so that they could take a look at his face. There has been a patch of skin on his left cheek that has given us trouble for a while. It started out looking like just a chapped cheek. Well they gave us some stuff to put on it. After about 4 days or so of that I took him back b/c it wasn't getting any better. They said that it was an infected patch of Exzema and others (not infected) were popping up all over his body. They gave us an antibiotic and he just finished that up yesterday. (That is looking much better.) Well, besides that, he went to bed last Sunday night feeling a little warm. He woke up Monday morning burning up! Of course, my thermometer was broken. I took him to the pediatrician as soon as they could fit us in and he had a 103.1 fever. YIKES! I knew he felt hot, but didn't think it was that bad. I felt terrible! Once he had a little Tylenol in his system, he cooled off and immediately started to feel better. They said that he had a virus, but that there were so many going around, he wasn't showing enough symptoms to be able to tell which one it was. After we got home and I changed his diaper, I knew it was a tummy bug! Tuesday was a low key day for Levi and he seemed to be getting better. Then, Wednesday morning he woke up with a different rash than the Exzema - this was all over his tummy, back, neck, and head. He looked awful - it didn't seem to bother him, but I couldn't just ignore it! I called the pediatrician again and had to make another appt. I went in and they said that it was the virus is going bye-bye rash. There was one thing that concerned the doc though. He had a couple of little dots on his legs that he said was bruising that could be a couple of things. He said that he had to send us over to the hospital for stat blood tests to find out whether or not it was just the virus causing it or whether or not it was a low platelet count. (They explained to me that if it was a low platelet count, he could potentially be bleeding inside with no way of his blood being able to clot). VERY SCARY! So I spent the rest of the afternoon over there in the lab. Thanks ChiChi for being there to keep Ayden occupied and to keep my nerves under control!!! When we went in for the test, they couldn't find his veins and had to prick him three times...his veins kept collapsing and the techs didn't know what they were doing. He kept screaming and looking at me like, "why are you letting them do this to me?" I really felt helpless. After we were done they told me that the results would be done in about 20 minutes. The doctor had told me I would get a phone call - if they were positive for low platelet, he would have to be admitted to the hospital. So I was sitting on pins and needles at home waiting for a phone call. By the time 5 rolled around, I called the ped. office to check on things. The receptionist (one I had never talked to or met before), was really rude to me and told me that their fax line was down and I would have to call back tomorrow. Well, that made Shawn and I pretty upset considering the result meant a whole lot to us - not to mention the fact that I had spent all day either on the phone with the doc's office, at the appt., and then at the hospital getting to this point. I drove over to the office and got there just in time - the ped. was locking up and getting in his car. I felt like a stalker, but told him the situation. He was under the impression that the hospital would have called me with the results. We went back into the office and he saw that they had not even sent the results. He called over and they faxed them right away. HMMM...the fax all of a sudden was working. Anyway, his platelet count was just fine and I finally was able to exhale. The ped. said that it was probably just the virus and just to keep an eye on it. Ever since, Levi has been getting better and is more and more like himself. He still doesn't sleep well!!! I have just decided to wait to work with him on it until we move into our house and he has his own room.

I didn't really get any pictures of him while he was sick, so I put one of him being adorable!
***A side note...Wendnesday, when Levi was so sick, I was supposed to teach Bible class. I just wanted to thank Chuck and Andrea for picking up the material and teaching the class. That was definitely a relief! You guys are the best!
Now, Ayden is sick. He has some sort of nasty cold or something. Not to be too gross, but there is a nasty stream of snot that is always running down his face. If he would just learn to blow his nose I think we would be doing ok. But don't go anywhere near him with a tissue - you have to sneak up behind him with it!

So hence, we are staying in this morning. My PC is acting up this morning...I am currently using Shawn's laptop. As soon as I can get it up and running, I will post some pictures of the house and the work over there as well as some pics of my sickies.
Hope you have a healthy day!
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