Good morning - we hope you had a good week. As you can imagine, we have been very busy. In fact, I was really looking forward to this morning so I could stay in my pj's (bj's - as Ayden calls them), drink my coffee, and blog a little.
We really had a nice time with lots of family last weekend. Shawn's parents drove in on Thursday (all the way across PA in snow - it took all day - sorry guys!) and Uncle Ryan and Aunt Shathar (Shawn's brother and his wife) flew in on Saturday evening. I tell ya what...they all worked so hard on the house. We got a lot done - thanks, guys, so much for everything! You all are the best and we feel so blessed to have such wonderful family!
By the way, please pray for Steve, Shawn's Dad. He has been sick since November and has not gotten any better. He is having some more tests run, but they have found that he is very anemic. He is going to be seeing a neurologist as well.
The work on the house is going well - we are over there as much as possible. The bathroom is completely painted, the kitchen is ready for priming and painting, the boys' play room is almost all sheet-rocked, and now Dad is working on their bedrooms upstairs. We are converting to gas heat and putting central air in, so we are waiting for our friend from church, Aaron, to do that before we can do anything else in the kitchen and bathroom. My Uncle Bruce and Aunt Kassie (from Ohio) are coming in on Thursday to help over the weekend. We always look forward to seeing the Carson's.
Now most importantly, the boys...we are still sick. Ayden had to go back to the pediatrician yesterday. He has been on the antibiotic for his double ear infection since last Thursday. He has been complaining on and off about his ear and so before the weekend I wanted to get in touch with the ped. to see what we should do. They wanted to see him, of course, and I'm glad we went. The left ear, which was the worst one before, was all clear, but the right one was still very infected. So we are on round two of antibiotics for Ayden. I tell ya what - I usually look forward to winter, but this year I can't wait for Spring!!!!!! With all three of my boys we have done nothing but wait in Dr.'s offices and at the pharmacy for prescriptions. I am feeling very blessed that in all this (besides being exhausted) I haven't needed to go in for myself.
Ayden is such a trooper in everything. All he wants to do is play with his Thomas trains. Levi's face is all better - just a little topical scarring that will fade in time - but now he has a really nasty cough. We are just keeping an eye on it due to RSV. Our Missy Mia had bronchialitis (sp?) and had to be on Albuterol for a couple of days, so we are just making sure that he doesn't get weasy. So far, just hacky! Can't you tell, I'm a doctor?!?!?!
I keep meaning to to update on Levi developmentally - he is sitting up for long periods of time and has tried a couple of times to get on all fours from a sitting position. He will play and entertain himself for longer periods of time. He's pointing and reaching for me when I go to pick him up and talk about needy. He is going through the same thing Ayden did at this age, the I-don't-want-Momma-out-of-sight fits. It makes getting anything done very difficult. And, we finally had his bottom right tooth pop. We are officially teething. He is actually doing very well with it. No fever or severe fussiness. So I am feeling pretty good about that right now. I may be singing a different tune in a couple of weeks though! Still no sleeping through the night...rats!
Well, I need to get dressed and get over to Home Depot (shocking!) to pick a few things up before we get over to the house.
Have a blessed day! I will have some pics soon! We got a couple of inches of snow on Thursday and Ayden finally got to play in some snow! YEAH! I'll also try and remember to take some updated pictures of the house to post.
Christmas in Richmond
2 months ago
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