Well, Shawn is now the store manager. He was pretty much forced into taking the promotion (we didn't want it b/c we thought it would be a lot more hours and headaches) - but we have to trust that God's hand is guiding this whole thing and that this is where He wants him. That's it...we have to trust. Easier said than done, of course!
What I do want to say is that I am so proud of Shawn. He has shown his integrity over and over and it means so much to me and the boys to know that we are more important to him than his career. I love you, Honey, and I love being married to the man of my dreams! Please just pray for us in this next few weeks...we are trying to get into the house (have to be in by the 21st), he is transitioning into this new position, etc. Life is constantly changing! What can we be praying about for you?
Here are the pics I promised:

Hey Kristy! Congratulations on all the new things happening! We will be praying for some smooth transitions for the boys and all of you in the new house as well as for Shawn's new position!! I was wondering if you cold pray for us! We are in the process of really seeking what direction Jayson should go in his career and what not! Praying that God will help us make our ends me and everything! Sometimes things get tough, but luckily we have Savior that is right there holding us through it all! Well I hope things go well; Please keep us posted and when things settle down I would love to get together!!! In Christ, Stacey
Hey Kristy, I haven't talked to you in a while but I still check your blog all the time. I am so happy for you guys about the house and Shawn's promotion. When Kris worked at CVS I remember how thrilled we were when he got promoted to store manager, what was really amazing was how God used that season as a pathway to his current career(which is his calling) in ways we never would have dreamed possible! God is so cool!
Your Sister,
Wow! What great news. So much going on in your lives right now, it can be overwhelming and exhausting at times. You'll handle it fine, because you'll handle it with God! We are so proud of you both. Wish we had more time together. We even live in the same town!
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