Well, it happened, I think. Yesterday morning, Ayden and our kitty girl were playing behind the table (where Ayden knew he shouldn't be). Snip was sitting on the glass top table that was actually not centered and when she jumped, it was just enough weight to flip the table top. It landed on Ayden's foot on the underside in the crease of his toes. Ayden screamed, but I think it scared him more than anything. I know it hurt, but after he calmed down, and I was finally able to get a look at his big toe, it was very swollen, but he could wiggle it and walk on it. The funny thing was that he just kept telling me that "kitty hurt me," and I found out how stinky it is when your kids have to learn the hard way. (I bet he doesn't play back there anymore!) He was over it as quickly as it happened. The bruising started about an hour later (we went to see Daddy at work to try and show him his was wounds) when we got home. I broke a toe on a mission trip in Mexico, and this looks just like mine did. But there's nothing that can be done for it. I asked a friend of mine last night at church who is a nurse and she said the same thing. So we will just wait this one out. Thank God our first broken bone was only a toe! Ayden is going to be three two weeks from tomorrow and we have only had to go to the doctor for one double ear infection and Fifths Disease (a harmless skin rash) besides normal well visits. I think we are doing pretty well!
Levi, on the other hand...I am making a pediatric dermatologist appt. this morning for my poor baby. He is on a heavy treatment on steroid cream for the spot on his face (that we can't figure out what it is), but I can tell that as soon as I stop using the ointment it will come back. That is beside all the other spots all over his body. Sigh...at least it doesn't seem to bother him.
More news on the house...
The countertop is in and ready to be picked up and I scheduled the carpet to be installed next Thursday. So we will be moving in on Friday and Saturday! WOOHOO! We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Praise God!
Well, I've got to get going...lots to do at house to be sure and be ready for that carpet! Pray for us!
Christmas in Richmond
2 months ago
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