On Sunday night, May 11th (our anniversary and Mother's Day) we had a terrible storm that night and when we woke up on Monday morning, we saw that a very large tree branch had come down on our van. A few days before, another branch from the same tree had come down and just missed the van, although it did damage to our shed. Then at about 11 on Monday morning (some friends were here for a play date), another 1/2 of a tree came down and just missed the van again (I had moved it out of the way of the fallen branches from the other tree). We are just thankful that no one was hurt and that more damage wasn't done. Here are some pictures of the damage (taken for insurance!): 

Updates on the boys:
Well Levi is just about walking....he has been crawling and pulling himself up and cruising for over a month now. He is getting very brave and can stand on his own (not holding on to anything) for 10 seconds or more. He is 11 months now and I'm pretty certain that by June 17th, he will definitely be walking. He has 6 teeth and he wants nothing to do with being a baby anymore. He has stopped nursing (his choice) and won't even take formula. So we have already switched to milk, which since it's so early, is giving him some tummy trouble, but is to be expected. He is eating really well and is finally getting bigger. Although I didn't want to have to give up nursing so early, I am not too heartbroken b/c I know I will be doing it again in 4 months. Speaking of...I am 6 months along today! WOW!
He is such a ham - he is so much happier now that he is mobile and can keep up with Ayden. I think he is really going to give Bubba a run for his money. I am seeing black and white referee stripes in my wardrobe in the near future. He is hysterical, has a wonderful sense of humor...it's so fun to see that he really just gets it. He is sleeping really well through the night and if I can keep him awake until 10:00 in the morning he'll take two naps during the day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon when Ayden goes down. Those days, are wonderful, but unfortunately are not as frequent as I would like for them to be. In the next couple of weeks, though, I am going to move Levi in with Ayden so that they get used to sharing a room before Mr. Toby comes.
Ayden is so much fun! His Bible class teacher for this quarter said to me, "I have never met a more intense child." I had never really thought of him that way before, but it is so true. From the moment he gets up until the moment he goes to sleep, he is constantly moving or talking, and talk about focused! But you won't meet a more affectionate child and boy does he want to please his Momma and Daddy. We are still trying to potty train, and boy is it a frustrating experience for Momma!
More updates to come!
1 comment:
Hi Kristy!
I love keeping up with your exciting life. :) Just a few things: Levi was born on my birthday! Well, I am just a few years older then him. I thought about him on Tuesday, glad it was a good day.
When I was pregnant with Shawn they told me that your baby may reject your breastmilk if you become pregnant. They said that your baby is usually the first one to know you are pregnant b/c your breastmilk changes to accomodate the new baby. So, truth be told, I am really surprised and glad that Levi made it this long!
You are a great mother and I hope by the time my #3 comes along I am as adjusted as you are! (And no, we aren't pregnant. FYI)
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