Well, this morning I had what I hope to be my last ultrasound. I am 36 weeks, 4 days along and he is measuring 36 weeks, 2 days at 6lbs. 6 ozs. Just perfect!
I haven't even mentioned this yet I don't think on here that they did re-diagnose me (very late in the pregnancy) with gestational diabetes. I was with Levi too and the whole thing was an absolute nightmare. Not so much the pregnancy stuff (although the extra dr.'s appt.'s and testing are a pain, and having to make yourself bleed 4 times daily to check blood sugar and keeping track of every single thing you put in your mouth), but what happened as a result in the hospital still turns my stomach when I think about it. I just really wanted to avoid all of that again if we possibly could.
I took my chart of all my sugar levels (not a single one high) and gave it to the perinatologist. She didn't have a single positive word to say. I started asking questions about hospital procedures with the NICU because that's where Levi ended up for like 18 hours the last time and we're still paying for it. I found out from one of the NICU head nurses that even if his sugar levels at birth are fine, they are still going to take him from us and monitor him for twelve hours. That's best case scenario. If his sugars drop, then longer. So even though that's bad news, at least I know up front what their policy is. (TRUST ME, I AM TRYING TO FIND ANY GOOD IN THIS SITUATION!) One other good thing is that b/c my levels are all normal, I don't have to go in weekly for the NST's (non-stress tests). He is very active and that's part of what they are checking for. She just told me to keep a mental note about how active he is during the day and if there are any changes, to let my midwife know.
Here is the dilemma I'm in: The hospital that we had Levi in and that tentatively we will be having Toby in has a brand new NICU (within the last 4 years). Our health insurance requires us pay 20% of everything besides our deductible, and I would have no problem with that whatsoever if there were really a concern for the health of my child. What I do have a problem with is people in the medical profession making issues where there are none, just to make an extra buck, or in our case thousands and thousands of bucks. I am realizing more and more with each child that we have (with the exception of Ayden...we had a wonderful experience with the midwives and hospital in NH), that the field of medicine is nothing but a money making machine. They will squeeze every last penny out of you, whether they are making you better or not. OK - now that I'm off my soapbox...there is another hospital about 15 minutes farther that doesn't have a NICU and my midwife can deliver there. But the practice that I go two only has my midwife and one other doctor, who I really don't want delivering Toby. He delivered my niece and I was so unimpressed with him. My midwife said that it would be harder for her to guarantee that she would definitely be able to deliver Toby if we went to the other hospital. I would also be risking the chance of having some doctor I have never met before to deliver him. But since they don't have a NICU they wouldn't be so quick to deem us sick people in need of their less than expert care. The only thing is though that if something were really to go wrong, they would have to helicopter him to Philly b/c they are affiliated with Children's Hospital. That wouldn't be good.
I need to pray about it more, but I just really don't know what to do. Either way, I don't feel good about it. I don't trust hospital 1 and I feel like I would be taking a huge gamble going to hospital 2. HELP!
Please pray for our growing family as we are currently facing some trying times with the transition of adding another child, Shawn's job always feeling like it is less than stable, church being so far away, etc. We are really trying to wait on God, to show us our purpose here in south jersey - we know that He has never not taken care of us - but life is just really scary sometimes.
Any suggestions that you might have about the whole hospital thing would be greatly appreciated. God bless!
Christmas in Richmond
2 months ago
Hey Kris, I understand. I don't have any answers, I'll pray too! Would you want to change Doctors this late in the game, and go to the other hospital with a doctor you've seen for a few weeks? Can you go to hospital administration and explain the financial burden? See what they will do. Explain that your still paying for baby number 2. Maybe there is something they will do. It cost you nothing to ask! Just remember, everytime this pops into your mind, pray instead of worry. God will do what's best.
Hey Kristy!! I'm praying for you!!! I don't knwo what to say, I had the same doctor for madyson as you do and he delivered her and I didnt like him in office at all but I did like him at delivery! with Bryce the practice he was orgianlly with broke up and I had to switch at 20 weeks, so I went to someone who only delivereed at shore...Now I didnt have the new part of ACMC, Madyson was born before that new part was finished! but I did have such a BETTER expierence at shore! Everything about it was about it was better especially the nurses they were so much more attentive with all aspects! Pray and God will lead you guys in the direction you need! I'm sorry this wasn't helpful but I'm praying for you guys! Glad Toby is growing well!! SO exciting! I bet you can't wait to meet him!!
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