How frustrating...the times when all my boys are sleeping are times when my body should be able to relax and rest, especially since my sleep times are going to be fewer and farther between sometime in the next three weeks. But for whatever reason, the last week between 2am and 5am, I have been wide awake. I decided to go ahead and get up this morning...I have my coffee, and I am watching the morning news. (NOT MUCH TO REPORT FOR SURE!) So, I thought I would share something that I am still in awe of those Go God moments! This summer, as it has been for many, has been really tight for us, mainly b/c I haven't been working and we have been living off only Shawn's paycheck in the most expensive months in history. Well I was saying to Shawn that through September things were going to continue to be really tight (no eating out, only buying what we absolutely need, etc.) until I could get back to work, hopefully no later than the end of September. Well yesterday Shawn had to go up to north Jersey for a store manager's thing and really was not happy about having to go. At 5pm, he called me and told me that he was going to be home at 6 and that he had a surprise for me. He couldn't wait to tell me and called me back. He said that at the end of the thing the managers were told to grab bags and just start filling them up with whatever the could from all the vendors - COMEPLETELY FREE!! Now this was a natural foods show so the stuff that he got was all stuff that we don't buy b/c it costs way too much. But since I have gestational diabetes, it really is the kind of stuff that I should be eating. So anyway, when he got home, I just started crying...he literally filled up our kitchen floor with groceries...most of the stuff was stuff that was on my list of things that we needed, just much better quality than the stuff that I would have bought!!!
It was exactly the reminder that both of us needed that God hasn't forgotten us. With Shawn's job being as frustrating as it is and nothing new on the horizon, it has been hard to keep a clear head and know that He is in control. We say it, but sometimes it is hard to have the faith that we really need to have to sustain us and really believe it. So, thank you God - I hope that this is a lesson for us...that we don't forget again that Matthew 6 really is how it works. He will always take care of us - just maybe not in the ways that we think He should or that we would want Him to.
May your day be filled with blessings - small or large. I'm going to try and see more of the small ones!
Christmas in Richmond
2 months ago
WOW! That is awesome. Bryan and I are very fond of using the phrase "Go GOD" when something like that happens. I'm glad one of those moments happened to you. We're thinking of you all. :)
A great reminder to us all, that God is in the little stuff to. How awesome, that the one who set the universe in motion cares about lil' ole you in NJ so much, that he sent exactly what you needed. Go GOD! Thanks for sharing this moment.
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