Sunday, September 14, 2008

Visit with Grandpa

Shawn's Dad flew in late on Thursday night and we have all just had a really good time! He and Shawn picked away at my "honey-do" list for the house and every time Dad comes, it looks more and more like the home that we envisioned! It's all the little projects that you say you are going to get to, but until you have a chunk of time to actually get some stuff done, it doesn't! They put the trim in in the bathroom, hung some curtain rods, built me an herb garden, patched some holes in walls (yes, we have only been living here for 6 1/2 months and we already have holes - that's what boys are for, right???), painted, etc. Thanks, Dad, for everything! We love you! Here are some pictures from today...I couldn't find my camera until this morning.

Here are all the guys with their Ohio State hats. Levi really didn't want to have his on, but can you blame him after the spanking they received by USC last night.

At the park...
We walked down to the park this afternoon after lunch. We got there and had the whole place to ourselves...we kinda wondered why b/c it's a beautiful sunny day. But, with the sun out and the humidity it is probably hotter than most of the days this summer. Needless to stay, we didn't stay long and figured that all the smart people of the world stayed in the air conditioning.

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