Such is matter what it is I go to do, I am having a really hard time being on time for anything! I was thinking yesterday about how much I wanted to post the things that I am thankful for, but never got around to it! So here we go:
1. My family - I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He works so hard, provides for our family, and deals with so much that I can't even begin to understand how he still has his hair (although I would like to think that it is his job and not his wife and children that are turning him gray!). Yet he never once has taken his job out on us! We are so blessed! Then there are the three precious boys that God has entrusted to our care. As I type, the three of them are asleep and have been absolute gems the last two days.
Levi is teething something awful and to add insult to injury had three shots yesterday, so he is the snottiest (spelling?), drooliest thing you have ever seen. But, he still has a big smile on his face! He also learned to say please today. He totally understands what it means and when to use it, but it comes out as "weese" because we haven't mastered the letter "p" yet. SO CUTE!!!!! He just has the power these days to melt my heart.
Ayden is such a sweetheart...very thoughtful and always looking out for others. But he also has the absolute power these days to drive me to _____(fill in the blank). I am counting on the Holy Spirit to remind me of God's grace and mercy so I remember to show a certain three-year-old the same. We are testing in a big way right now. He just doesn't want to do anything I ask him to do, especially go to the potty. And then all of a sudden he will offer to do something to help all on his own, or just say, "OK Momma," when I ask him to clean the playroom or something else. I am reminded to remain consistent and to not give up because there is hope. He really is such a good kid - but I am convinced that three years old is way harder than two years. But, I am even thankful for these challenges too - it reminds me to lean on God on a daily basis; actually it is more like a minute to minute basis some days!!!!!!
Toby is a dream. ****For all you new moms out there, please stop reading now...I would like to keep my friends!!!!! He is sleeping through the night, and by that I mean 8 hours straight most nights! A "bad" night for him is 6 hours. I know...I am counting my blessings. I do have to say though that I put my time in with Levi - he didn't sleep for more than like a couple of hours at a time for the first 9 months (and three of those months I was pregnant and didn't know why I was feeling the way I was). Another reason I am so thankful that Toby is a sleeper is that I have to go back to work a week from today and will have to get up every morning at 5:30. I am sleeping in while I can. He is so even-keeled, is a great eater, is growing great (is now 9 lbs., 2 ozs.). He looks just like his brothers, except with a lot of blonde hair. We still don't know where that came from.
Snip - our cat - is just so loving. She is so good with the boys and all they put her through. She reminds to me to sit down and rest every once in a while so that she can curl up in my lap and get loved on too! After all, she was my first baby.
Then, there's all the relatives. We have ones that are close, far away, and some not related by blood at all, and yet all are blessings to Shawn and I as well as to the boys. We are so thankful for all the love they give us. I could go on and on...
2. Our home - I just love our house. I am so thankful to have a place of our own and that somehow we are able to make the mortgage payment every month. God truly takes care of our needs! As we are able to get more and more things done and it looks more and more like we want it to, it just has so much character! It's not too big, not too small - it's perfect for our family.
Last night after dinner we went out to the back yard and the boys all played while I replanted my herbs in the herb garden Shawn and his dad built. It was a beautiful fall evening, cool and crisp with a little breeze. It felt wonderful!!! This all coming from a girl who hates the heat and the bugs!
3. My friends - Most of my good friends are scattered throughout the US. That's one of the stinky things about having moved around so much. You meet all these wonderful people and build relationships and then when you move it is impossible to remain as close due to the distance. But we have made/are making some wonderful friendships here too! God definitely puts people in your life for a reason.
4. Our church family - they are wonderful. Not as close (distance-wise) as we wish, but just a really loving congregation, trying to do what Jesus would want us to do. The challenge is finding ways to be involved this far away. Our LIFE group (small group) is a huge blessing.
Well, I had better get off of here and get a couple things done while I have the chance...I had better save some things to write about for the next gratituesday - or whatever day.
Christmas in Richmond
2 months ago
1 comment:
It's great to hear you are in a good spot, we are too. I've been grateful to God for bringing us through the down times. I love you!
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