This morning I wish I could have had a camera in hand to share with everyone what I got to witness...a grown man's hissy fit! Now we are experts in the temper tantrum around here. There's Levi with his head going straight to the floor as he wails - it's a very good thing that we have carpet in most of the house. Then there's Ayden and his slide into homeplate type of tantrum - usually when we tell him that he needs to try and go potty. Then there's Toby and the "please feed me before I starve to death" pleading! And then there's the occasional one that I throw, but mine is more like sulking.
But, to see Shawn this morning was a new one for me! Levi had a very poopy diaper, so he started his whining when I asked him to change it - I was feeding Toby at that moment in time. He had to sike himself up to do it. During the process, 8-year old girl like squeals started coming from him and I looked up to see that Levi had grabbed the diaper and was twirling it around his head. I couldn't stop laughing as Shawn kept yelling for me to help him, but I was having to much fun watching him try and do this on his own! I know, it was mean, but remember I was feeding the baby!
Thank you God for moments like these that remind us that we can't take life too seriously!
Christmas in Richmond
2 months ago
You handle these surprises well. I think you were away at college when your mom and Jen came over and I found Wesley finger painting in poop behind the sectional we had in the old house. I had lost my sense of humor long before they showed up and this was just the icing on the cake. I'm able to laugh at it now. I'm not as easy going as you.
What an image! I remember Joshua doing something like that... he decided that reaching into his diaper and pulling everything out would be a nice way to share with Daddy... Oh, those days:)
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