Friday, March 20, 2009


Well, I thought I would finally post some pictures. I guess I have been on a blogging strike. It's not that I haven't had things to's that I've had too much to share and I guess I got a little overwhelmed. So now I'm playing catch up...also overwhelming!

Ayden turned four on the 7th of this month and we had a family birthday party for him that day. I don't have pictures of that right now, but when I do, I'll post some. He has just become such a little man. I am very proud of who he is and who he is becoming, and although he stretches my patience and makes me wonder if I'm really cut out for this, he is teaching me so much about God, life, and growth. This morning, while I was at work, Shawn texted me and said that while Ayden was in the bath this morning, he said to Shawn, "Daddy, I really love my Momma." When I texted back for Shawn to tell him how much I love him, he asked Ayden if there was anything else that he wanted him to tell me. He said, "Tell her God made her special." Now I'm sure this was a prompting from Veggie Tales (God made you special and He loves you very much.), but he is just so precious! He really has a heart of gold and isn't afraid of telling you how he feels, good or bad!
We have also finished our battle with the potty and I must say that we are victorious. Nothing anyone ever said could have prepared me for that. I'M GLAD IT'S OVER!!! I won't tell you how I did it here because I would probably be hounded by some psychiatrist telling me that later in life he will have major issues. (Don't worry, I didn't beat him or anything.)

Levi is now 21 months. He has been talking like a little adult for about 6 months now. The things that he says most people don't believe are coming out of his mouth (in a good way). The reason for this is that he really is just an itty bitty. He is still wearing 12 month pants. He looks like a little muscle man because he is so squatty and has such a stompy walk. He just melts my heart! He has a disposition so different from when he was born. Most of the time he is happy, and I do mean most of the time. But, when he is upset, boy is he going to let you know it. Fortunately for us, he is pretty easy going. "Alright, Momma," is the response I get from him more often than not. He is following suit with the love of Thomas the Train, just like Ayden, and he has learned colors, numbers (can count to ten), and all the names of the trains. It is so cool for us to see how much he learns from Ayden and how quickly he is picking up on things because of his example. I'm sure we won't always appreciate Ayden teaching him things as they get older!

Toby is the easiest baby ever! He is so aware of his surroundings, loves bouncing in the exersaucer, and just being in the playroom with Ayden and Levi. He had a bout of sickness (in fact for about three weeks we couldn't get well and kept passing it around the family. There were a few days I thought about blogging while the kids were sick, but I decided not to because I was afraid we might pass the bug through the computer somehow!) that lasted about a week and he just got over his first ear infection, but other than that he is so happy, sleeps great and loves his big brothers! He thinks they are so funny and they get the biggest kick out of making him laugh. He is quite the cuddle bug and smiles at anyone who will look at him! We are all just having so much fun lovin' on our Toaster (that's what Levi started calling him when he heard Daddy calling him Tobster and it just stuck).
Well at least that gets you caught up on the important things. I'll post more pictures and really try to be better about making time for blogging. Check back soon!

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