Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Try Try Again

I have tried to post two different times since my last successful post. No - there is nothing wrong with my computer or Blogger. It's me. I think of all kinds of things to blog about when I'm behind the wheel in my van on the way to church or work. When something funny happens with the boys, I want to run to the computer and share. But both times that I sat down to write, I just kept drawing a blank. It's just been an empty kind of a week - Shawn, Ayden, and Levi were sick again with head colds, Levi teething, etc. Nothing to complain about - those things are just the way things are, but yet nothing really noteworthy to share.
I am in prayer for my brother-in-Christ as Andrea blogged about - life can feel so empty sometimes when God becomes your co-pilot instead of your pilot. Why is it that life so often gets in the way? All the things that I need to do, want to do, should do, etc. get in the way of the things that I want so badly to have the time/money/resources for to serve. And, then there's the frustration of wanting certain habits to just be second nature and I really hate that they aren't. Daily struggles and I know that I'm not alone. That's comforting.

Well, one of my interruptions needs me! Trust me...I mean that in the most loving way possible and that's why I'm signing off!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Kristy, I haven't posted in over a week and a half for the very same reason. I think of things to post at various times, I sit at the computer and nothing! My last post seemed forced, it was hard to organize and make it flow, I didn't feel like it worked at all, it was like no other I've ever posted. I've never had that much of a struggle posting.

Love you, see you guys tomorrow night.
